Traces of Noise | Marcel Zaes

live performance by @marcelzaes in collaboration with @SloMoCo participants

TracesOfNoise is a live performance by @marcelzaes in collaboration with @SloMoCo participants — it explores the inequality between bodily motion in the #out-of-doors and its representation in digital space. The performers follow a phone-based #audioscore that choreographs them in their individual remote outdoor locations while they also disseminate sound. The result in its entire #togetherness can only be watched online. #environments #acoustemology #bodies #outdoors #noise #sound


spring practice work

public presentation
Max/MSP patch (video score for performers)
Phone app mockup
Traces of Noise - Video Score for Performers (Mockup/Preview)
Project Description
Seeking Performers

Seeking participants for an outdoor video walk with a ‘media score’