Triggers for DotDot:
Can we walk along the border, at once on it and next to it?
“Howse is continually after ways of bringing this materiality of discursive practices to the fore. Thus skin, as a notably sensitive and markable surface, is a site of interest for Howse because of its quality as a thing “to be pricked, pointed to, mined, excavated and extruded, in order to test, engineer, show and expose precisely something” (Howse 2013a). In pain registers, this pricking involves not only the code calling the ptrace function but also the creation of the modified hardware setup that acts as “an appendage or code prosthetic” for translating the opcode values into “needled plunges”. In order for skin to take on its quality as skin, various organs, appendages and other extensions and externalisations must form so as to be able to touch upon (in one way or another) and thus partly point towards its quality as skin, as the epidermal border around which markable bodies have for so long been demarcated.
A similar quality of bordering can be seen to work itself into Turing’s machine model, which requires its site of discretely arranged tape with which an instruction pointer can read and write its instructions for operation. In this way a key function of the tape is twofold, providing (1) a layer of discretely enclosable areas that (2) have the ability to be marked. The instruction pointer points to one set of computable instructions after another in a mode of execution. In doing so, it mobilises various energies and pacts of structural impositions, both intensive and extensive, while also having the potential effect of consolidating and making amenable certain bodies into its operating regime. Where execution meets resistance, it is often a question of recomposing either the program and/or the executable bodies in question (with the application or threat of pain as a knowingly effective measure in the case of many organic bodies). Bodies then, as demarcated entities within a particular discursive system, are notable sites and materially discursive loci that can act as productive points of entry for studying the heterogeneous workings and executing processes involved in a certain situation. In the case of pain registers, the human body and its sensitive layer of skin and nerves act as a particularly suggestive site for engaging with Howse’s ongoing interest in interrogating a notion of execution in computing, the needle becoming here a rather tangible instruction pointer for better impressing its mode of execution onto the user, not unlike the harrow of the execution apparatus in Kafka’s Penal Colony, to which Howse also makes reference in his writing (2013a). Indeed, Howse sees pain registers as pointing towards an even older computational reference, with its punctuating of executing processes upon the skin of its user enacting a “knowing reversal of the operation afforded by the punch card, that other surface lying historically at a beginning for user software with Jacquard’s loom” (2013a).
Pain registers’ shifting of the site of execution from the CPU’s instruction pointer to the skin can be understood to enact a method of materialising the cybernetic epistemology of a “unit” of information as “a difference which makes a difference” (Bateson 2000, 315-318) via
the self-same cybernetic apparatus and onto the user’s skin. Via such a seemingly simple shift, the piece accounts for a sense of difference as computation is executed as “marks on bodies, that is, the differences materialized” (Barad 2007, 89).” – Eric Snodgrass, “What Is Executing Here?”, In Executing Practices ,
Where i’m at? Where will i end up going?
Flying over the diagram, the skin
Circular doors
Fragments of tissue
Boxes, but organic, still
Your face is new here, but you know this face. Did you really grant permission for this? Are you ok? You will get lost, this place is slippery.
Tocar el puedo of not understanding
Mummerings in between circles
Memory as sticky tape
Circling together-apart
In the rhythm of non-time
The echoing of feet in an anonymous but familiar space
The loneliness of daily life as usual,
In an anonymous way
Notes for Daniel
(the projects’ graphical intimacy/ the quietude and care of holding children safe)
(sound is operating as a tether, drawing & the actual. Objects float in 2D and become ground)
(we are travelling through a landscape - outside/ close to/ calm/ floating/ texture of skin/ lush entry points).
Notes for Sejo and Kat
(instructions that open unimaginable spaces)
Notes from discussing Kate and Alys
Triggers for Sejo:
“Before we conclude, I offer a tribute to the person who, years ago, made this difference a vivid idea for me when he forced me to set in motion what I thought I knew well, in this case the equivalence between kinetic energy and potential energy as illustrated by the perfect pendulum. A dead, scholastic example, he objected to me, which silences what this equivalence does not say, but which is attested by the pendulum clockwork mechanisms: it is when the pendulum has fully unfolded its motion that it enters into the twofold contact, with the mechanism of the needles and with a fa l l i ng weight ( o r a relaxing spring) that makes it a "timekeeper." This "technical detail" matters, whatever the claims of dynamic equivalence! Thus, an austere treatise on clock ma king, dealing with " escape mechanisms," finally came alive, a passionate and fascinating story of the multiple inventions that take advantage of what only a pendulum coming to the end of its ascent is able to do. An example of the aesthetic education mentioned by Whitehead: the pendulum clock no longer i l lustrated a law of motion without simultaneously nourishing speculation, poetry, and narration. A genuine " ecology " of abstraction, for the abstract law of t he pendulum can then elicit the attention it is due without denying the rest, in a way that creates the possibility of a mutual aesthetic appreciation between specialists of precision and adventurers of genera lization. The question is no longer of knowing " who is right," but of what each one of them has " done " with the vivid experience that nourished them all.” p. 141, Stengers, Thinking with Whitehead
Triggers for Daniel:
Worlding is a concept you are working with?
What are the relationships between the tools/functions of the kit and the feeling of orientation/disorientation? In what ways can these relations be articulated beyond binaries?
Triggers for Kat:
how do i not speak over myself?/ the singularity of language to each of us/ wrestling over a few words/ your movement language/ your voice
With tech and sensors/ revised mythological
Provoking this language is starting a motorcycle. The consonants, the vowels, the rise, the fall, a patterning of enunciation and phoneme
A world of figuring out/ i put the vowels on one hand/ the o was easy to picture with my foot/ that’s so cool/ it’s gonna be so laboured/ so awkward/ the gesture as material/ in relation to language
The body as mouth/ the dexterity of it
How do segmenting and difference articulate? What is the vocabulary that defines the Body Mouth as a tool?
For Sejo:
Interested in the game part of this - what is the game and how does it generate possibility?
For Kat, Sejo and Daniel:
For Kat:
Speaking Code?
Kate & Alys:
Articulation between situated and liveness and ongoing… what happens to presence? To space and time? Where are the borders and limits?
Situated Knowledge – Donna Haraway